
Reminders of What People Sacrifice

Sometimes life comes at you with something you truly aren't prepared for. Today, I was not prepared to receive sadness and admiration.I received a call from a lady regarding her husband. Most of you know the line of work I am in... it's not the most pleasant. I sue people for a living. In my line of work you hear alot of stories and excuses. It's very difficult for me to remove myself from the situations and not feel anything. If you know me at all I hope you would know that I would consider myself very compasionate. Most of the time, to a fault.Today when the lady called I was prepared for some wonderful excuse. Maybe her cat that has bladder disease was sitting on the desk that held the bill and died on it, relieving itself in death. Maybe her husband's brother's mother died of an overdose. But again, I was prepared. Just not for this...The lady's husband owned a business locally. He was in the Army National Guard and was deployed to Iraq. She went on to tell me that his convoy ran over a roadside bomb and he was severly injured. On April 1st surgery was unsuccessful and her husband is on life support and is doubted to live. Within the time frame of 1 minute, I think my life changed. This man gave up everything for his country. He left his home, his business and his family. He didn't stand and cower, run and cover... he went to protect all that he loves. Everything that all of us love. He sacrificed for not just himself, but for his wife, his family, for his country and for all of us.I know we all don't say it enough. I know for a fact I have not. But to all of you out there fighting for us, thank you. For everyone that has lost someone, thank you for your sacrifice. I will never forget and will always remember the one man I never knew that gave everything to protect me and the people I love.

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